The Love of a Lizard
By Robert Koenig, New York
Those who love animals, especially pets, know a special bond can form when keeping one in the home. But would most animal lovers consider that a reptile can give love?
By Robert Koenig, New York
Those who love animals, especially pets, know a special bond can form when keeping one in the home. But would most animal lovers consider that a reptile can give love?
By Harold Klemp
Wilton, a retired man from Auckland, New Zealand, reported the case of Tiddles, his cat, saving a bird. The story runs like this:
By Scott Riviere, North Carolina
My partner, Robert, and I had a small Pembroke Welsh corgi named Duncan. About six months after Duncan passed, we decided to search for a reddish-brown-and-white corgi puppy. Duncan had been tricolor—red, black, and white.
By Dana Lovell, Minnesota
I adopted an orange-and-white adult male tabby cat named Austin. He was rescued from life as a laboratory cat, and his trust in people was low. Austin was gentle, observant, and reserved. He never meowed. Occasionally, he would look eye-to-eye with someone and express deep love without a word.
By Harold Klemp
When you need to open your heart to love, try this spiritual exercise. Not only will it help open your heart, but it will help to keep it open.