On Wings of Love
By Janet Starr, Missouri
I was looking out the window of my home one summer morning, wondering why I always reacted a certain way to a particular situation. Suddenly I saw a very large woodpecker fly to the tree in my backyard.
By Janet Starr, Missouri
I was looking out the window of my home one summer morning, wondering why I always reacted a certain way to a particular situation. Suddenly I saw a very large woodpecker fly to the tree in my backyard.
By Lois Stanfield, Minnesota
When my newly adopted, rescued Afghan Hound, Lila, came to live with my other Afghan, Pistachio, and me, I had to help her accept her newfound freedom. Eventually she graduated from being a dog who had lived in a kennel to a beloved house pet.
By Geetha Murthy, India
Animals Are Soul Too!, by Sri Harold Klemp, slowly opened a new outlook toward animals and completely changed my views. I do not have a pet dog or cat, but the stories in this book amazed me by showing how animals react and behave.
By Amanda van Kammen, Germany
My family and I decided to spend our autumn holidays in the Caribbean. This vacation was a dream come true. I immediately loved the island, with its sunlight, nature settings, and friendly local people. Almost immediately when I walked around the island, I started recalling memories of a past life there.
By Dana Lovell, Minnesota
To increase my ability for giving and receiving love, I decided to adopt a special-needs cat. I also hoped the Soul that had been my previous cat, Austin, would reincarnate and return to me at some point. I’d dreamed this Soul had recently lived a life as a pug puppy with a loving family.