A Horse Heals My Heart
By Russell Henderson, Oregon
The horse who became my cherished friend had helped me heal from the loss of my wife. How would Divine Spirit guide me through saying good-bye to him?
By Russell Henderson, Oregon
The horse who became my cherished friend had helped me heal from the loss of my wife. How would Divine Spirit guide me through saying good-bye to him?
By Andrea Canham, Florida
My cats have taught me much about love. An incident with my cat Pandy became a poignant lesson and rich demonstration of the give and take of divine love. He showed me that animals are Souls with their own unique missions and agreements with God.
By Margaret Penney, Ohio
Love and gratitude became the “cat”-alysts for a miracle in my pet family. It all started with the arrival of a young, feral, female cat who, after weeks of circumspection, came in off the street to live with my daughter, son-in-law, and me.
By Sri Harold Klemp
An ECKist was walking down the street when she heard the shrill sound of screeching brakes. Turning to see what had happened, she noticed a little white dove lying in the road. It had been struck by a car.
By Marilyn Sickler, Missouri
How does a person who hasn’t spent much time around animals prove her belief that animals are Soul? A tender experience near a cow pasture broadened my spiritual horizons.