A Little Girl’s Dog Best Friend
By Elke Hughes, Canberra, Australia
Several animals have played an important role in my life. However, this tribute goes to my dog Alfa, a yellow boxer, who was my first teacher in matters of unconditional love.
By Elke Hughes, Canberra, Australia
Several animals have played an important role in my life. However, this tribute goes to my dog Alfa, a yellow boxer, who was my first teacher in matters of unconditional love.
By Jonker Tomasoa, The Netherlands
Years ago, my wife and I paid a visit to a dear friend and her family in Kenya. It was our first time in that country. When my friend married four years earlier, I was her best man. Although we are not related, she called me Abang, which means brother in the Malay language.
By Faranak Toma, Minnesota
I am originally from an ancient nomadic tribe in the Middle East. My tribe used to live in a mountainous area till a couple hundred years ago, when they started to settle down in villages and cities. But they have kept their culture, their language, and their connection with each other.
By Mark Brooks, California
Our beloved Fluffy came into our lives as a stray kitten. She was a beautiful calico tabby with piercing yellow-green eyes and a tiny splotch of orange on the top of her head. She simply showed up one day in our backyard in the late summer and never left! (She chose us!)
By Peter Akpokodje, Lagos, Nigeria
Recently I have been thinking about the reason we exist in this world. I kept the thought lightly on my mind. I wondered, What is love? What is my purpose?