by Contributor | Jan 18, 2021 | Animals and Miracles, Cats, Contributors, Pets in Family Life |
By Margaret Penney, Ohio
Love and gratitude became the “cat”-alysts for a miracle in my pet family. It all started with the arrival of a young, feral, female cat who, after weeks of circumspection, came in off the street to live with my daughter, son-in-law, and me.
by Harold Klemp | Aug 27, 2019 | Animals Teach Love, Birds, Farm Animals, Featured Columnist |
By Harold Klemp
A farmer had a runt chick. It was always behind the other chickens. As the others grew big and strong, this little runty chicken fell to the bottom of the pecking order.
by Kristy Walker | Mar 19, 2019 | Animals in Nature, Birds, Kristy Walker, Service and Animals |
By Kristy Walker, Minnesota
On a below-freezing winter afternoon, the heater in my car stopped working. I had intended to make a quick trip to a print shop before it closed.