A Golden Moment in the Cow Pasture
By Marilyn Sickler, Missouri
How does a person who hasn’t spent much time around animals prove her belief that animals are Soul? A tender experience near a cow pasture broadened my spiritual horizons.
By Marilyn Sickler, Missouri
How does a person who hasn’t spent much time around animals prove her belief that animals are Soul? A tender experience near a cow pasture broadened my spiritual horizons.
By Harold Klemp
A farmer had a runt chick. It was always behind the other chickens. As the others grew big and strong, this little runty chicken fell to the bottom of the pecking order.
By Gai Lawson, Ontario, Canada
From the time I began to study the teachings of Eckankar as a young adult, I was aware of inner spiritual guides known as ECK Masters. These wise beings protected and guided me, providing loving assistance in sometimes surprising ways. Little did I know that the ECK Masters could also guide cows.