by Harold Klemp | Jan 15, 2019 | Animals and Miracles, Cats, Dreams with Animals, Featured Columnist |
by Harold Klemp
This is an interesting case of Lucinda and her cat, Special. Some years ago, Lucinda had the same dream three nights in a row. It was of a white light coming down in a blue sky. Then she had the dream of a cat with certain markings three times in a row. She was wondering, What’s all this about?
by Gai Lawson | Nov 20, 2018 | Animals Teach Love, Dogs, Gai Lawson, Horses, Service and Animals |
By Gai Lawson, Ontario
“Whether or not your philosophy or religion accepts Souls in forms other than the human is unimportant. If you can accept reincarnation and the fact that Soul takes on many different bodies – and some of these Souls are better vehicles for love than some people – you will find much joy and happiness in your own life. You’ll also find a greater understanding of God’s creation.”
by Harold Klemp | Oct 23, 2018 | Animals and Miracles, Cats, Featured Columnist |
By Harold Klemp
An ECKist [member of Eckankar] has a cat named Humphrey. One evening the woman was lying on her bed reading Child in the Wilderness, a book I wrote about my experiences with the Light and Sound of God.
by Contributor | Aug 19, 2018 | Animals Teach Love, Dogs |
By Linda Duncanson Miller
From childhood, I always wanted a dog of my own. Although I knew that I wasn’t ready for one, it seemed as if I was being prepared for this eventual gift.
by Gai Lawson | Aug 19, 2018 | Animals Teach Love, Gai Lawson, Horses |
By Gai Lawson, Ontario
From early childhood, horses have fascinated me. I dearly loved their smell, sound, and touch. They each have their own personalities. Some are easy-going; some are cranky-pants and stubborn; others are as open as blossoming flowers. I call horses lovely, four-legged people.