A Golden Moment in the Cow Pasture
By Marilyn Sickler, Missouri
How does a person who hasn’t spent much time around animals prove her belief that animals are Soul? A tender experience near a cow pasture broadened my spiritual horizons.
By Marilyn Sickler, Missouri
How does a person who hasn’t spent much time around animals prove her belief that animals are Soul? A tender experience near a cow pasture broadened my spiritual horizons.
By Gai Lawson, Ontario, Canada
From the time I began to study the teachings of Eckankar as a young adult, I was aware of inner spiritual guides known as ECK Masters. These wise beings protected and guided me, providing loving assistance in sometimes surprising ways. Little did I know that the ECK Masters could also guide cows.
By Benny Callaghan
My partner and I visited a cattle ranch owned by a friend who had been farming the same land for over thirty years. I rarely visit a farm and soon realized that this was no ordinary place. The farmer kept it because he loved cows.