by Gai Lawson | Nov 20, 2018 | Animals Teach Love, Dogs, Gai Lawson, Horses, Service and Animals |
By Gai Lawson, Ontario
“Whether or not your philosophy or religion accepts Souls in forms other than the human is unimportant. If you can accept reincarnation and the fact that Soul takes on many different bodies – and some of these Souls are better vehicles for love than some people – you will find much joy and happiness in your own life. You’ll also find a greater understanding of God’s creation.”
by Scott Riviere | Oct 30, 2018 | Animals and Miracles, Animals Teach Love, Birds, Scott Riviere, Service and Animals |
By Scott Riviere, North Carolina
I used to travel to the Brazilian rain forest a couple of times each year to learn more about Hyacinth macaws—a rare, beautiful bird which is on the verge of extinction…
by Harold Klemp | Oct 2, 2018 | Cats, Farm Animals, Featured Columnist, Service and Animals |
by Harold Klemp
My sister wrote that two feral cats had come to their home. They had been just the neighborhood cats for a while, but my sister kept putting out food, and pretty soon the cats decided this was home for them too. Panther is the black one. He’s top cat. And Growler is orange and white.