Learning about Love from My Cat, Tommy
By Anna Finch, Oregon
When I moved back to Virginia in 2009, my dad adopted Tommy. The cat had a lot of health issues. He was raised on a farm and had to be on medications.
By Anna Finch, Oregon
When I moved back to Virginia in 2009, my dad adopted Tommy. The cat had a lot of health issues. He was raised on a farm and had to be on medications.
By Rosemary Carpenter, Minnesota
In a few days I’d be leaving the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Western Slope of Colorado to move to my new home in Arizona. So I stopped at an outdoor concert. I knew that several of my friends would be there and I could say good-bye to them before I left. After parking, I cracked the car windows a little and told my kitten, B. J. Honeycatt, that I would be back shortly.
By Mark Brooks, California
Our beloved Fluffy came into our lives as a stray kitten. She was a beautiful calico tabby with piercing yellow-green eyes and a tiny splotch of orange on the top of her head. She simply showed up one day in our backyard in the late summer and never left! (She chose us!)
By Andrea Canham, Florida
My cats have taught me much about love. An incident with my cat Pandy became a poignant lesson and rich demonstration of the give and take of divine love. He showed me that animals are Souls with their own unique missions and agreements with God.
By Gai Lawson, Ontario, Canada
My contemplations lately have centered on the mysterious workings of divine love. How does love flow into life? Are what appear to be unconnected events really intertwined?
By Margaret Penney, Ohio
Love and gratitude became the “cat”-alysts for a miracle in my pet family. It all started with the arrival of a young, feral, female cat who, after weeks of circumspection, came in off the street to live with my daughter, son-in-law, and me.