A Little Hen Saves Her Chicks
By Harold Klemp
A farmer had a runt chick. It was always behind the other chickens. As the others grew big and strong, this little runty chicken fell to the bottom of the pecking order.
By Harold Klemp
A farmer had a runt chick. It was always behind the other chickens. As the others grew big and strong, this little runty chicken fell to the bottom of the pecking order.
By Harold Klemp
Generally people think of karma as something bad. They never think of it as possibly something good—for example, the three-year-old child who plays the piano brilliantly.
By Harold Klemp
When you need to open your heart to love, try this spiritual exercise. Not only will it help open your heart, but it will help to keep it open.
By Harold Klemp
People who are new to Eckankar are sometimes surprised when they hear us refer to cats and dogs as Soul. In ECK, we regard our pets as Soul. Why? Because they are.
By Harold Klemp
A family was moving from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States. As soon as they had settled into their new home, the mother knew that this had been the wrong move to make.
by Harold Klemp
A horseman was riding along a road, and far up ahead he sees something lying right smack in the middle of the road. So he goes up there, and he sees it’s a little sparrow, lying on its back. He says, “Are you hurt?” The little sparrow says, “No.”