Ants Go to Church?

Ants Go to Church?

By Hugh D. Fraser, Nevada

I am a member of the ECK clergy and was leading an ECK Light and Sound Service, an Eckankar event for the community. During the service I told a brief story about how I had noticed a small, lively, happy black ant crawling across the page of an ECK book I was reading from at home. At that time I smiled and thought to myself, “There are over a trillion plus ants in the world, and this ant—in front of me—is probably the only one exposed to the writings of ECK.”

Divine Love brings a lost Kitten Home

Divine Love brings a lost Kitten Home

By Rosemary Carpenter, Minnesota

In a few days I’d be leaving the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Western Slope of Colorado to move to my new home in Arizona. So I stopped at an outdoor concert. I knew that several of my friends would be there and I could say good-bye to them before I left. After parking, I cracked the car windows a little and told my kitten, B. J. Honeycatt, that I would be back shortly.