By Tammy Attama, Virginia
From the first time I saw a video recording from Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ called Miracles in Your Life, I knew it was special. The clip introduces HU, the sacred Sound of Soul. The melody of the background music gives me chills, the photography is exquisite, and the inspiring quotes touch my heart.
One day I offered to babysit Owen, the child of my cousin and her husband, at their home. They worked night shifts as police officers, and I was more than happy to help them. When I made the offer, I didn’t know my cousin’s German shepherd, Casey, would show me another aspect of love within Miracles in Your Life.
Soon after I arrived for my visit to babysit Owen, Casey made it clear she considered taking care of the baby as much her responsibility as mine, and she was up to the task. Casey watched every move I made with Owen, often shadowing us around the house. She lay on the floor next to Owen as he played, sniffing him occasionally to make sure he was OK. Watching how lovingly Casey cared for this precious baby, it opened my heart just to be in her presence.
One evening Owen became inconsolable. Nothing pleased him. Fulfilling his basic physical needs wasn’t enough to quiet him. I sang to, walked, rocked, and bounced the baby while Casey paced back and forth like a nervous mama.
Desperate for a new idea, a thought flashed into my mind: Play Miracles in Your Life. The soothing background music may be just what Owen needs.
I turned on the speaker and played the short video over my cell phone. The accompanying music was as calming as a lullaby. Owen quieted almost instantly. However, Casey’s response filled me with wonder.
As soon as the music began, Casey snapped to attention. She listened intently at first. Then she hopped onto the couch and assumed a position that reminded me of a person contemplating. She sat straight up with her legs stretched out in front of her. I was stunned when she began to howl in a way that sounded very much like the sound of singing HU on Miracles in Your Life.
I played the video a few more times. Casey always had the same reaction. With each replay this sweet Soul sang/howled HU along with the three-minute clip.
In The Sound of Soul, Sri Harold Klemp writes, “Love is love. And you are that. HU is the Sound of Soul.”
I believe Casey recognized the Sound of Soul.
Contemplation Seed
From The Sound of Soul, by Harold Klemp
You can open yourself and gain a greater awareness of who and what you are as Soul. You can do this by singing HU. Sing it to yourself, or sing it out loud. But do it every day.
HU is your key to your secret worlds. Once you learn to use this key, you will find a blending of your inner and outer worlds. You’ll find yourself filling with love.
—Photos and video clip by Tammy Attama
How do I learn more about Ekc ?? I do believe animals have souls they are capable of so much love and patience , how do I learn more !?? My name is Marion Tanner , I live in San Diego ,California
Those of us who have pets know they are members of the family. We feed them, comfort them, and bestow them with inordinate amounts of attention because we love them. Outwardly, these Souls clothed in furry (or otherwise) suits are learning their lessons just as we humans are learning ours. And as a bonus, sometimes we get to learn these lessons together.
Inwardly, these same Souls have a spiritual agenda just as we do. Animals are making their way home to God just like us. And because our outer lives cross paths, sometimes so do our inner lives.
Years ago when I was living in another neighborhood, in the dream state I found myself sitting in a comfortable armchair outside my apartment and just up the street from where I was living. I was watching people walking in either direction going here and there about their daily business. Across the street a man was walking his two dogs, the smaller breed next to his owners feet followed by a big German Shepherd lagging about 10 paces behind. As I watched the bigger dog who was minding his own business trotting along the busy walkway, I blurted out, “PSST!”
He looked at me as I beckoned him. “Come here!”
He immediately shifted his gait crossing the narrow street and walked up to me as I leaned forward in my comfortable chair.
“How are you?” I asked, petting his head.
“I am fine,” he replied.
“Thank you for taking the time to talk with me,” I said with absolute sincerity.
The dog grinned, turned around and began walking back across the street to catch up with his owner who had already turned a corner and was out of sight. Halfway across the street, I exclaimed to my new friend, “I love you!”
He stopped, cocked his head and replied, “I love you, too!” and trotted along, turning the corner to catch up with his owner.
Many of us have the notion that animals can talk to us. Perhaps their outer language may appear a little cryptic yet they are undeniably expressing love. Inwardly, their language is also undeniable. Why? Because Soul is speaking to Soul. And when two hearts share an authentic moment of love and appreciation in each other’s presence, the language is divinely pure and clear.
Thanks for the heart touching HU song from Casey!
Casey is soul!
I have always believed that animals have souls. After I lost my 19 1/2 year-old calico rescue cat Summer Breezes. I have been rescuing cats since the age of 20. And now I’m 60+. I have one rescue. This is a beautiful story I think when God created our animals. Wow what an amazing day that must’ve been.. Blessings on everyone reading this and may you find comfort, knowing they also have souls like we..☮️✨ ✝️
This is an awesome beautiful story and such an amazing dog. Animals are such beautiful souls. I love dogs, and yes, they do communicate with us. It’s just a matter of giving them the love and caring they need from us.
Animals are soul.
Baraka Bashad
This is an amazing story.
Thank you
Great HU story to share with our animal loving friends. Animals do not question nor mentalize the HU. Given an opportunity, they sing it. Very least, they sit and pleasantly enjoy. A wonderful experience for you Tammy. Thanks for sharing.
How precious to see Casey recognizing the HU as a gift of love! Thanks for sharing Tammy!
You helped me out when I really needed it I appreciate the story and the video within because I am in a lot of pain. Tammy your story helped for a few moments to alleviate some of my severe pain and I thank you. I will continue to watch this story to help myself and show it to others. Thank you Tammy and of course Casey. Let’s sing Huuuu. May the Blessings be Tammy. With humble appreciation Kevin.
Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing this.
Merci beaucoup pour cette expérience partagée. Baraka Bashad
Casey qui tend bien les oreilles pour entendre le HU et le chanter,cette vidéo est une merveille…Merci!
Dear Tammy. we had a German Shepherd dog too, and the first time I had Satsang in our house, Tell
was allowed to participate, wenn wie sang HU he did like Casey he howled his HU, walking around the circle and kissing everyones hand. Yes they are great Soul, and there love is unconditional and sincere.
Thank you for this wonderful video.
With love in ECK, Helga
HU, the language of Soul !!! Thanks for sharing.
Merci pour le partage, j’ai déjà fait une expérience pareille avec mon chien qui chantait régulièrement le HU lorsqu’il aboyait.
My dog Ramsey has also responded to HU the sound of soul. He joins us most times as i and my family sings the love song to God.
What a beautiful experience for all. An inspiring story. Thank you.
Thank you Tammy ! Your story opened my heart & seeing the video of Casey was the icing on the cake.
Miracles in Your Life is my all-time favorite ECK video ! It always brings tears at the end of it. Nothing but pure love created it & Soul recognizes that instantly.
What a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing it with us. I love hearing Casey singing along with the HU video! How special!
What a wonderful gift of Life to have been a witness to such a moment of grace! Thank you for sharing your story Tammy.
Love, love, love this! Animals are so in tune…
Truly! They are very special!
HU touches all Souls
Thank you for sharing
That was beautiful
I loved your story because I could relate. We had a German shepherd/chow mix, Hanna, that looked very much like Casey and she used to sing HU with a lower soft tone during the beginning HU for the Eckankar Advanced Study class I held in our home years ago! It was such a pure precious expression of love! Thank you for reminding me of Hanna!
How sweet! I have found that animals are a fabulous way to open one’s heart. It sounds like Hanna did it well.
Thanks, Tammy! Just what I needed today! (-:
Thank you for the story and the video. Just great!
It’s my pleasure, Debra. I appreciate your comments.
sharing love does not need any language.
So true! Love bypasses all obstacles and goes straight to the heart!
Merci, de partager ce vidéo qui nous prouve cette réalité qu’on partage avec les animaux, ils sont réceptifs, attentionnés, capables de comprendre et soutenir la vie qui les entourent, ils le font continuellement.
L’amour en action le Huuuu qui réconforte qui ouvre le coeur.
Grand merci
Tellement vrai! Ils sont en effet un don d’amour.
We are all connected as soul , speak and understand one language. May the blessings be.
A beautiful story, thanks for sharing.
Beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!
Listening to Casey singing really touched my heart …I have been with German Shepherds for many years so that video clip very special ..thank you for sharing your story
My partner’s miniature pinscher used to curl up in my lap and sing the HU inwardly with me. Her name was Alma = Soul.
Thank you Tammy for sharing! I loved your story. Especially the beautiful video of Casey touched my heart and moved me to tears. Thanks again to the both of you!
Thank you for reading, Amanda!
Sweet! What a beautiful Soul!
Precious! I have found it’s a great way to start the love flowing before my spiritual exercises – to be with animals and/or nature.
Wonderful – thank you!
Thank you for reading, Sigrid!
Beautiful thank you for sharing the story and the video. What a beautiful example of Soul responding to the this precious gift of Sound in HU.
This is just awesome — love it! Dogs, especially, I’ve come to believe, are very aware of and receptive to the ECK energies. Isn’t it wonderful; thanks for taking the time to provide the video, as well. HUUUUUUUU In a related way, I was recently looking at a book in a used book store about how different animal species respond to pain, loss, and suffering. I felt a nudge, and turned around to find a German Shepherd looking at me who was with his person. His name was Patton.
Carol, research is just now beginning to understand the healing powers of animals and how they can help their human companions. They haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg, in my opinion, so it will be interesting to see what they discover in the future.
So very true Tammy! I believe they study hard for this lifetime, just like we do before we get here.
Loved this! Thanks for sharing
My pleasure, Debra. Thank you for reading!