By Harold Klemp
Will Rogers was a comedian during the early twentieth century. He once said, “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
That was his opinion, and it was interesting that he was so far ahead of his time. Because today, people are wondering, Are cats and dogs and goldfish and all kinds of pretty little birds going to be in heaven too?
Somehow the standard version of heaven is that all these won’t be there. And people wonder, What kind of place is this going to be?
I don’t know. But in the ECK heaven, all these are there too, so don’t worry.
Love comes down from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Voice of God. It comes from the Divine Being, whatever you want to call the Creator. We call It Sugmad.
This love comes down, and It sustains all life. This love is the Voice of God, the Holy Spirit. And it is actually this Voice of God that maintains and sustains the lower worlds. It is pure love, and this love is not the domain of humans only, but also of animals.
Excerpted from The Master’s Talks in A Year of Creativity—2009–10.
BEAUTIFUL…..shabda is an angel….
It sure is reassuring to know that we will see our beloved pets again! After our loving Shabda kitty translated (died) a few years ago, it was very difficult. I heard his meow the evening after he passed, reassuring me that as Soul, he survived the physical form. My grieving, however commenced daily. It occurred to me in contemplation that I should choose one time in the day to grieve, and eventually one day a week. I chose Sunday, and I would imagine Shabda beside me or in my lap, and I could feel my heart soften. Eventually my heart opened enough that I was able to move through to the other side of grief, and into more love! I continued to imagine Shabda with me on those special contemplations and eventually forgot about it. A couple weeks ago on Sunday, I walked passed my bedroom and for a brief moment, saw Shabda on my bed! Oh yes, it is Sunday, and Shabda came by to say hello!!